Razvan Soare

Hello 👋

My name is Razvan Soare, I'm a 27 year old, Front End Engineer based in UnitedKingdom 🇬🇧. I describe myself as a passionate developer who loves coding, open challanges and the web platform ❤️.

Aside from my job, I enjoy reading techonology related articles, especially React and javascript related. One of the reasons I love React is that no matter how much you know there will always be new things to discover. Also I enjoy writing technical things ✍️ at my blog, hoping I can share some of the most captivating dev related stories.

In my free time you can find me longboarding 🛹 (especially on my electric one😍), running 🏃‍♂️ or most likely playing some Assassin's Creed.

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