Razvan Soare


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💻 Technologies used

  • ReactJs
  • Typescript
  • Styled Components
  • Intersection Observer
  • Axios
  • Moment
  • Iproov
  • Reactour
  • Talkjs
  • Twilio

Bloomd is a PWA application, built with typescript and styled-components. With a simple interface, designed for older generations, the app provides support for all devices. It can be accessed on browser from mobile or web, and also installed as a PWA and used as a desktop application.

Gamification sytem makes the experience more interactive and gets people to interact more. Users are able to receive a bunch of badges that can be used on their profile.

application 1

One user can just interact with other people's requests or post their own questions. We are using 2 external services, Twillio and Talkjs, so our users can have the best experience during their chat / audio / video appointments.

application 1